Meetings and Events
2021 KEOMT 4th Biennial Global Conference | Online Live
Conference Proceedings
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Pre-conference Letter from the Board
KEOMT Members,
Greetings from the KEOMT Board. We hope this past year has spared you from too much distress and that better times are on the horizon for you and your family. As we solidify our plans for the August 2021 KEOMT Biennial Conference, we would like to share our thoughts with you.
While we hope to visit in person again in future years, pivoting to a virtual conference has created a unique opportunity to connect with more of our membership. By eliminating the cost of travel and that of hosting the conference in a physical location, we can enjoy a meaningful exchange of ideas at minimal expense. We are pleased to announce that the conference will be free to members in good standing.
Your 2021 KEOMT membership dues will cover the cost of your participation in the conference. If your dues are not up to date, please submit them here.
The conference will be hosted on August 20 and 21, 2021. To accommodate guests from multiple time zones, the conference will be held live from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM Central European Time, (15:00-18:00 CET). The conference will be recorded to allow viewing at your convenience.
Now that our organizational structure has been established and the re-accreditation of instructors has been accomplished, our plans have transitioned to:
- Provide growth opportunities for our young and upcoming instructors
- Support the teaching endeavours of our instructors through development of:
- A core syllabus to share with current and emerging programs.
- Methods for accessing educational materials developed by KEOMT’s innovators, instructors and their students.
- Enhance communication among the membership, potential students, course organizers instructors, and the public seeking care from a KEOMT practitioner.
- Enhance the professional exchange among our members through the newly developed KEOMT Forum.
Over the next few weeks, you will receive a series of emails from the Board with additional information about the conference. We look forward to seeing you in August!
The KEOMT Board of Directors
August 20, 2021 - August 21, 2021
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC+1, Central European Time)
Register Below
Reservations are closed for this event.